Thursday, August 4, 2011

No, not THOSE kinds of trolls.

Ok, haven't posted for a week or two, so let's get this train wreck started, shall we?

So you're on your favorite forum, online game, whatever involves the internet. You're having a jolly good time, things are going pretty decent. Suddenly, someone decides to be a complete ASS for no reason whatsoever. Out of fucking nowhere is this guy saying the dumbest of shit, slapping down everything you like. You ask them, in some form or another "Who are you? Why do you say these things? What have we ever done to you?" His response, as many have likely heard so far, is simply typed out, yet is inhumane with grammar and douchebaggery.


You all know these assholes: They have nothing better to do with their time other than to cause misery and grief to everyone else for their own amusement. They could be spamming obscenities, spamming insults, spamming on how something you like is a complete piece of shit, and everyone that likes what you like should kill themselves and make the world a better place. Worst of all, they never shut up. It's like they have a compelling need to just be a complete, pompous windbag with a superior attitude. And they keep going on and on like that horrible CD in the stereo that's on repeat, and the song is the worst song in the world.

It makes you wonder just what exactly goes through their heads with they do this crap. They don't get monetary gain, it's not like they earn achievements, nor is there anything for bragging rights... not that there's anything to brag about with it. Let's take a look at the simple internet problem to begin with: Anonymity. You don't truly know WHO is behind that screenname until they reveal themselves. Since anyone can hide themselves, it allows one to become the biggest dickmuncher in the face of the world, without consequences.

Yes. Completely. Without. Consequences. So what if you got banned from that forum, just make up a new handle! Admins ban your account? New one. IP ban? Either connect via proxy, or scramble your IP. Someone really put the boots to you? SO WHAT? A day of making up new messenger handles and e-mail accounts and you're back to being that fuckhead who no one likes. The ability to remain such a mystery, yet be so open with your language, allows one to explore the ability to be a complete goddamn sociopathic retard. I'm not trying to advocate the abolishment of anonymity here, but let's put up an example: If you had the ability to remain completely unknown, no matter what you did, wouldn't you rob a bank? Or kill someone? Or just go on a crime spree, doing whatever you please, whenever you wanted to? That's the internet for you.

The worst part is this: that jackass who was trolling the hell out of you yesterday could be that nice girl you asked out on a date last week. Yes, the nicest of people could turn into complete bastards the moment they are absolved of their digital shenanigans.

The preverbal "Get Out of Jail Free" Card gives them the ability to spew complete garbage out of their mouth, the filth of which likely hasn't been seen since the Nazis, or The African-American Civil Rights Movement. Worst of yet, this shit is actually ENCOURAGED, because they all want to be an asshole to everyone they don't like. They wish they could be an utter bastard and get away with it scott-free, all the while being completely awesome.

But we all can't be Carl. He's too cool.

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