Saturday, July 16, 2011

I am sure alcohol is involved somehow.

Ok, I was going to do something about trolls this time, those dirty motherfuckers. However, something else far worse has grabbed my attention, so you guys'll get it next time.

What I experienced over the week so far has been nothing less than sheer depravity. Monstrous emotions of complete hedonism that has spawned what could only be trumped by the horrors of Slaanesh himself. Even some people within the likes of 4chan, the cesspool of the internet, have become revolted in the awakening of this nightmare. And yet, ths grotesque behavior comes from one of the most unlikely things, a creation so innocent in it's design you would have never pegged it for creating the legions of filth that surround it.

I am of course, talking about the new My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic TV show.

I mean, my GOD has these people become god-awful in their persistance with this show. Sure, I can understand the idea of liking a kids show. I mean, who doesn't? I've always enjoyed things like Looney Tunes, Beetlejuice, SWAT Kats, and Hell to the Yes Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. It's normal to like kids shows from time to time, sometimes even preferable compared to the television that gets spewed out as of late. Turn on the television, and instead of pictures, you just get pure vomit spewed into your face.

But the new MLP? Jesus Herbert Walker Christ, the majority of those vocal about the show are quite possibly some of the most annoying scumbags to ever grace a keyboard. From drinking games, to comics, to goddamn, pants-on-backwards PORN of this stuff. Seriously, porn of a kid's show? Try to justify it all you want with your "Rule 34" bullshit, that's pedophilia right there. Straight up, filthy, creepy-as-fuck pedophilia. And the reason those assholes spew that shit on the net is because if any upstanding citizen of society caught them with that, they'd get shanked, and the police would rule it as justifiable homicide.

And if you dare tell them the show is not as holy and divine as they make it out to be? Grab your flame-retardant suit, because you're going to be having a Uber-Barbeque tonight! To even suggest that show has flaws would be to insult their pagan gods, the outlining foundation to their new lives, their lives of bright, rainbow sparkledom. I swear, even the Twilight Fans weren't as bad as this.

... oh dear god, what did I just say? That can never be true, no matter how bad these Pony Fans can get.

But they're still pretty freakin rage inducing, especially when they decide to invade every single aspect of your life with ponies. Like cockroaches.

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