Tuesday, July 5, 2011

They ruin lives.


Everyone has met them in some fashion of game. From the legions of FPS players to something as simple as flash games, you will get those people who will stop at nothing to be the ultimate victor. At whatever cost, shame, or just flat out griefing they can cause other players, nothing is too great of a sacrifice in the name of winning. There is really three levels of this tryhard business, and each one of them... sadly intermingle to form this pool of filth, a mixture so revolting you cannot help but feel disgusted with even yourself for even being in the prescence of these inhuman beings.

The first form is surprisingly simple: they will use whatever tools and massive amounts of free time they have to absolutely crush the opposition. They will play for hours on end to master a particular skill, a skill so complex that nothing short of entering a zen-like state could achieve perfection. On a different setting, perhaps they spend ludicrious efforts to unlock the ultimate weapon to completely dominate the opposition, a weapon so great no mere mortal could obtain it in such an efficient manner. Either way, it would be very clear they have dedicated the entirety of their soul to these tasks, in efforts to become the ultimate warrior in their digital kingdom.

The second form would be exploting tricks in the system. Say, two skills by themselves are worthless, so no one pays them heed. However, if one combine the two skills in a certain way, suddenly they have achieved a level of godhood within the system, and proceed to abuse the living shit out of it, safe within the confines of their new power. Or perhaps that players has discovered a location that is virtually impossible to breach, and within every VIP or item protection task, their team head there, only needing to withstand a few minutes for guaranteed victory or loot. While this is certainly valid within the game design, it also attests that in order to achieve victory, these tryhards NEED to exploit these tricks, and without them such power over the realm is worthless. It also says they're a dick for exploiting these little tricks, but that's another day.

The final, and perhaps most grotesque form, is simply breaking the digital rules through some malicious coding to imbue their character with impossible powers, thereby simply walking over the opposition for easy wins. In most cases, these people do not last long due to vigilant moderators, or an anti-cheat system within the program. However, in scenarios where both of these are incompetent or nonexistant, these people run upon a rampage with impunity, discouraging the rest of the playerbase or would-be players to even play, leaving the realms in search of new homes. There is nothing that induces a soul-blackening rage moreso than having an impressive arsenal and skill that you have earned, only to be wrecked completely by someone who has used cheating scripts to give them a huge crutch to play on. Whether this is due to their own incompetence or a burning desire to be the complete victor, they have stopped to a level with such filth, that the stain on their soul will never wash away, even after their ultimate demise.

While these are the three forms, quote often they mix together to form a hideous monster, a monster that feeds off of misery and tears. It fills one with a complete disgust for the game, and the developers' inability to rectify the situation in all but the first form will undoubtedly lead to the deserting of the playerbase, and the death of the game in general, leaving only soulless beasts inside to battle for the remains of their kingdom. This is generally called a "Complete Loss" situation, where the players lose money for buying the game and/or items and then leaving, and the developers lose reputation within the industry for letting their game degrade so low to begin with.

As folks within the gaming sector would say: gg.

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