Saturday, November 26, 2011

This is SCIENCE we're readin here!

Well, college has been kicking my ass pretty hard as of late. I do apologize for it, I forgot about this blog, but not anymore. I shall continue to update whenever I am capable of doing so, because I know that you, my readers, come for the expert writing I offer on various subjects.

... oh who the FUCK am I kidding? You're just here for the funny pictures.

Let's kick this off now, shall we? Today's topic is... Fanboys.

There are varying levels of Fanboy, as everybody knows. Let's list them off. They include:

Level 1: The simplest fan. They're willing to admit the flaws, the bumps, and even the plot holes if need be, but they still enjoy what they do for the simplest reason: it's entertaining.

Level 2: They follow the show a little more closely than most would, but this isn't a bad thing. They understand what is happening a lot more than the average person, can explain why a character performs they way it is scripted out, or call Bullshit on something happening out of character. This fanboy might have some merchandise on the side, such as Season DVDs or a T-shirt.

Level 3: A little more into the show, this level of fanboy has delved into the realm of fanfictions. Some fanfictions written by this level will seem a little off-kilter, may serve to simply ship some characters, or perhaps include a story which is better-written than the actual show itself. Regardless, they tend to regard the show quite a bit more serious than level 2, but they can still be reasoned with to a degree.

Level 4: These guys are pretty far into it, borderline obsessed. This is where the fan starts aquiring certain tastes, such as a "waifu", or perhaps collecting porn of the series. While this fan could act like every other schmuck in normal life, it is within the confines of their room and the internet that their true devotion to the interest shows itself. Whether this is healthy or not is up for debate.

Level 5: All bets are off, these guys are zealots, outside of the confines of reason or sanity. You get some pretty fucking sick people here, especially when rule 34 is involved.

I'm pretty sure you weren't in Warhammer 40k...

Despite this heirarchy, the interpretation is sadly blurred to those outside of the fandom. Why is this, you ask? Simply put: The outspoken Minority ruin it for the Majority. It is the case with nearly anything that becomes popular. Take for example, the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanbase... sure, one would think that they are hedonistic, man-children who could double for pedophiliacs, but the reality is that it is the sicko minority that ruins it for the majority of the show. Truth is, it was a show for little girls, and it targeted that demographic wonderfully. As with all popular things, however, you will get some sick, twisted fuckheads who subvert it for their selfish, twisted desires... like Furries.

What Pinkie fans REALLY want.

it is a sort of price one pays for seeing their works become popular upon the internet. Like King Midas, he seen everything he touched turn to gold, but was robbed of all of life's pleasures because it. It is the same thing with Avatar: The Last Airbender, where they have this wonderfully crafted story, with a journey of the ages, the growth of the characters, and an story unfolding into something akin to viewing an entirely new world through your flat-screen window. While what was delivered was the story of Aang to travel on an epic quest to save the world while discovering the power of the Avatar inside of him, what was really happening was bitching on who should be pairing up with who because my god, Katara and Aang together IS A SIN.


I guess a show, webcomic, or book series is what one makes of it, but it's also troubling to see how far one goes. The worst part?

None of it is the writer's doing. Nope, it is the dark emotional desires of one's mind that pushes them to these levels of zealotrous devotion (yeah, I totally made up that word). It's because something just CLICKS within their mind that they decide Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog should have been a girl and banging Sonic on the sidelines of the show. We only have ourselves to blame for the despicable levels of lust and desire shown within the fanbase.

Again, I apologize for the complete lack of updates since August guys. Really. If you got a problem with it though...

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